Profile PictureBarry Baz Morris

Five Transformational Practices for Living an Intentional Life


Are you tired of a life where you put out one fire only to be immediately called to the next?🔥

It’s the default mode for human existence—and it’s not a lot of fun. You instinctively understand this because you live it daily… the continual barrage of social media, family drama, pressing work deadlines, rush hour traffic, cooking for your family, and the myriad facets of modern life.

It feels like your hair is on fire all the time, right? 🤯

Regardless of your belief system, I recommend five daily practices as a foundation for a contented and happy life.

It doesn’t matter whether you identify as a practicing Christian, Buddhist, Jew, or Atheist—when engaged daily, these five practices can transform your life from a hectic, chaotic flow to a more meaningful and even-keeled one.

NOTE: The practices don’t eliminate life’s issues, instead, they change how you relate to them.

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45-Page PDF eBook

5 Daily Transformative Practices
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45 pages
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Five Transformational Practices for Living an Intentional Life

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